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[av_image src=’http://jdporthotics-com-au.cloud.hosting-toolkit.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/arthritis_104751140.jpg’ attachment=’724′ attachment_size=’full’ align=’center’ animation=’no-animation’ styling=” hover=” link=” target=” caption=” font_size=” appearance=” overlay_opacity=’0.4′ overlay_color=’#000000′ overlay_text_color=’#ffffff’][/av_image]

[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’Arthritis pain management’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’22’ custom_class=”]
Outer limb, hips and back

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Arthritis creeps up when you least expect and can remain well managed, or can spiral out of control.

Our management of arthritis and arthritic pain is a crucial aspect of our health business and we can share some very helpful knowledge with you.

Please refer any symptoms to us that may be troubling you even though they may seem irrelevant at the consultation as they may have some manifestation in your problem(s).

Arthritis is considered as a disease causing painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints. As of yet, no cure is available but management has come a long way.

    • Osteoarthritis is a breakdown of the cartilage inside a joint.
    • People over 45 are more at risk, but younger people can be affected too.
  • Exercise is one of the best ways to manage osteoarthritis.

We can help with your rehabilitation.